Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Sermons by Simeon Forder (Page 19)

Sim is the pastor at Deal Christian Fellowship, having taken on responsibility for pastoring from January 2023

Philippians 1:1-30

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Philippians, the 50th book in the Bible. Taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 2nd August 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. Paul…

The golden calf

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 12th July 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. In this study we considered Israel’s actions in Exodus 32, and how we must learn from this and…

Do not covet

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 5th July 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the eleventh in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments (you can find the introduction…

Do not steal

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 21st June 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the ninth in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments (you can find the introduction…

Do not commit adultery

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 14th June 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the eighth in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments (you can find the introduction…

No idols

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 10th May 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the third in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments (you can find the introduction…

No other gods

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 3rd May 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the second in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments, following the introduction that you…

The Ten Commandments

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 26th April 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. This is the first in a series of studies on the Ten Commandments, and serves as an introduction…

Christ our life

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, on the 19th April 2020. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening. In this study we considered what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and how that requires…