Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Sermons by Pete Smith (Page 3)

Pete serves as an elder at Deal Christian Fellowship

Easter thoughts: Day 7 – Why

Since sin entered in at the garden of Eden (through Adam and Eve), there has been a debt that could not be paid by sinful man. And sin ultimately leads to death. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. John 3:16 says; For…

Easter thoughts: Day 3 – Peter

Simon Peter said he would lay down his life for Jesus, but Jesus knew Peter would deny Him 3 times. And Peter didn’t think that would be possible. I can only imagine when that rooster crowed that last time after Peter saying “I do not know this man”… Peter must have felt so bad. It…

Advent calendar: Day 22 – Christmas food

What are you looking forward to eating this Christmas? Maybe it’s the first taste of the turkey on Christmas day, or a few pigs-in-blankets from the Christmas buffet at work. Maybe it’s working your way through yet another box of chocolates. These things are certainly an enjoyable part of this time of year. But have you noticed…

Advent calendar: Day 18 – Christmas gifts

What are you hoping to get for Christmas? That’s what some will ask you. And it’s what many of us are thinking about. But as enjoyable as Christmas presents can be in the moment, the excitement is short lived. But there’s a different kind of gift that is far greater than anything you can wrap…

Advent calendar: Day 14 – Christmas songs

How soon is too soon for Christmas songs? Regardless of what we think, it’s pretty hard to get them out of your head once you’ve heard them start — whether that’s because we’ve heard them so many times before, or because the tune (at least sometimes) is such a good one. But at the first…

Advent calendar: Day 10 – Christmas cards

This time of year, many of us send Christmas cards to each other to send our best regards, to wish someone a happy Christmas, or maybe share a message of our news with those nearest and dearest to us. But the greatest message of all that arrived that first Christmas, was the love that God…

Advent calendar: Day 6 – Christmas lights

Christmas lights — whether on a tree or front of someone’s house — are such a contrast to the dark winter nights that sneak up on us this time of year. But a far bigger contrast is Jesus, who the Bible describes as the Light of the world, compared the darkness of this world that…