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Advent calendar 2024 (Page 2)

Advent calendar 2024: Day 14 – Christmas presents

Have you ever given presents with meaning? May be something hand made and it’s great to remember to give is greater than to receive to see a happy face especially the younger generation the excitement as someone is so happy with the gift they have been given, as you get older we have so many…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 13 – Good news

At Christmas, we all too easily forget why Jesus was born. Perhaps it’s the distraction of decorations, or trying to do our Christmas shopping (oh yeah, I’ve still got to do that!), or the excitement of having a day off work. But without knowing or remembering the good news of why Jesus was born, we’re missing the best reason…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 12 – Christmas wreaths

Have you ever thought about how much time some people spend putting Christmas wreathes, lights or decorations on the outside of our house – for others to see them.  Of course, there’s nothing wrong in that – it really adds to the sense of anticipation in the run up to Christmas, it makes it a…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 11 – Simeon

40 days after Jesus’ birth, (as stipulated in Leviticus chapter 12) Joseph and Mary left Bethlehem and entered the temple in Jerusalem for Marys purification ceremony and to present Jesus to the Lord just as the law required them to. And as they brought Jesus in to the temple, an old man by the name…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 10 – Christmas parties

Do you look forward to Christmas parties? Or do they fill you with dread, having lots of work Colleagues that might not be Christian can make you feel like a fish out of water, the world portrays party’s with an abundance of food and drink with the conversation some times not very wholesome there’s a…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 9 – Gifts

How many wise men were there? 3? Well, that’s what many people think, because that’s what tradition tells us. But the only thing the Bible tells us there were three of were gifts, and so assume that because there were three types of gifts, there were no more and no less than 3 wise men,…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 8 – Advent calendars

Advent calendars have become somewhat of a tradition in our country. This year, I’ve been treated to a Toblerone calendar – other chocolate is available, probably.  Anyway, the idea, as you know is to countdown to Christmas Day. But what is about that day, that they help us count down to? What is it that…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 7 – Shepherds

At the time Jesus was born, shepherds were considered dirty, even the outcasts of society – yet they were the first to hear the news of Jesus’ birth, and the first to go see Him. Why? Well, documented evidence shows us that these particular shepherds were not ordinary shepherds nor were they ordinary sheep. These…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 6 – Empty promises

How often do we say at Christmas – whether in a card, or text message – “oh, we must meet up sometime in the new year!” Then we do nothing about it!, or when we meet in the street and say hi how are you doing with no intentions of stoping to find out, We’re…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 5 – Threat

When King Herod had a surprise visit from the wise men, and they told him that they were looking for the newborn King of the Jews, he was worried. In fact, he was so terrified that this would change his life, that he would no longer be in charge, that he acted rashly and cruelly,…