Simply teaching the Bible, simply
Below you will find all the regular and special events taking place at DCF, plus occasional Calvary Chapel events. For regular events (such as our Sunday services) only the first occasion is shown.

For a calendar view of all events click here.

Sunday morning service

On Sunday mornings our whole church family meets together for around 90 minutes. The service starts at 10:30am and includes a time of praise, sharing our needs and prayer requests, followed by prayer, and a Bible study (typically taught by our pastor). We would love to see you at our Sunday morning service, and you…

Sunday evening service

Our Sunday evening service includes a time of praise, prayer and Bible study and is designed to supplement our Sunday morning services where our whole church family gathers together. During the evening, a smaller music team leads the times of praise, and the study is often taught by our assistant pastor, lasting approximately 25 minutes.…