Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Romans 8:18-39

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Romans, the 45th book in the Bible. Taught by our pastor, Simeon Forder, at our Sunday morning service on the 2nd April 2023.

About this book

This letter from Paul to the church in Rome is one of his longest (only 1 Corinthians being similar in length), and in it we find the basis of much if not all Christian doctrine. Considered a literary masterpiece, even by some non-Christians, this letter describes the human condition of sin, our need for rsalvation, and the way in which we can be saved – through faith alone in God alone. But further, it explains Israel’s place in Christian teaching, and overs multiple chapters dedicated to Christian living.

About this study

In the first half of this chapter Paul began by stating that there is no condemnation to the one who is found in Christ. And that having not only been justified by God, but adopted by Him, we are now His heirs, His children. But given that is the case, what do we make of our suffering now? And since we suffer now, does that mean we can be or are separated from God’s love?

In short, Paul will conclude that absolutely nothing can do that. But furthermore, given all that is promised to us, our current sufferings are not worthy to be compared to that which awaits us – and in fact, God even uses our trials and difficulties for good – even though it may take until Heaven to see all that He accomplished through them.

Application questions

  • Are you viewing your current or past trials in light of the glory that shall be revealed in you?
  • Nothing will separate you from God’s love, but what will you let keep you from loving Him?


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