Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Prayer (Acts 2:42) part one

This study was taught at our Sunday evening service by Sim Forder, our assistant pastor, on the 27th October 2019. You can listen to the audio on this web page or save it for later listening.

This week we looked at Acts 2:42 which records the foundations upon which the early church was built, and we continued from our previous study by considering the importance of prayer.

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 2:42

Below is a brief outline of this study, where we considered the first of four possible barriers to praying (see our next Study for the remaining three):

  • We don’t feel like praying
  • We don’t know what to pray (words or reasons)
  • We don’t have time to pray
  • We’re afraid of praying in front of others

As part of this study, we considered how prayer is comparable to sleep – we need it, we neglect it, there are many things we choose to do instead, and a lack of either will affect our relationships.

The following helpful quotes were also mentioned, and noted here for reference:

If you do not pray except when you feel like praying, you will not pray much, nor pray when you most need it. My brethren, when you do not feel like praying, you ought to pray all the more, and go to the Lord to help you to pray

Charles Spurgeon

All the mighty men of God have been men of prayer. They have differed from one another in many things, but in this they have been alike.

RA Torrey

The only safe place for sheep is by the side of the shepherd, because the devil does not fear sheep; he just fears the shepherd.

AW Tozer

Perhaps the reason God delays answers to our prayers is because He knows that we need Him, more than the things we ask of Him

Ben Patterson

Hearing God’s voice is often like trying to hear a SatNav that you’ve locked in the boot because you thought you wouldn’t need it.

Milton Jones

We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives. If He has said much about prayer, it is because He knows we have much need of it…
…So deep are our needs that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray…
… the motto for this year must be, “Continue… in prayer.”

Charles Spurgeon


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