This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Genesis, the 1st book in the Bible. Taught by our pastor, Simeon Forder, at our Sunday morning service on the 9th July 2023.
About this book
Genesis is the first book in the Bible, and in its more than 1500 verses, there are over 50 prophecies, 100+ commands, over 70 promises, and almost 100 distinct messages from God. As well as recording the firsts of so many things — including the first marriage, sin, child, murder, death, laughs, tears — this book also explains God’s established order in all things; from creation to Israel, marriage to tithing, and all before the law is even mentioned. But ultimately, this book points to Jesus as our Saviour, not only in obvious ways, but in its smaller details too.
About this study
As a whole, this chapter records what God created on each of the six days of creation. It gives us enough detail so that we know what was created on each day, but it’s intent is not to explain the how. Rather, its intent is to explain the Who. That it was God who created; that all we see — including you and I — are not the result of some cosmic accident. And as noted last week, we find this to be scientifically accurate — for we can determine the universe had a beginning, and that it could not have happened by chance. In this study we look at the first 5 days of creation as recorded in Genesis chapter one:

Application questions
- Do you honour God as your creator?
- Have you compromised your trust in the Bible?
- Are you doing what you should in building your own or other’s faith in this area?