Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Easter thoughts: Day 6 – Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. It’s the day we specifically remember the crucifixion of Jesus, the son of God. So what’s good about that, you might ask? There’s certainly nothing good in what men did to Jesus that day. But there’s real good in what He accomplished, even something to rejoice in.

You see the Bible tells us that we have all sinned, every one of us. We have all done, said or thought things that cause us to fall short. Short of the purity required to be in the presence of a holy God.

So then, what hope is there for us? Well, here’s the good news of a very Good Friday. You see, Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins. He paid the price so that one day, we can stand before God spotless and blemish free. Now, that’s incredibly good news for those that accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. That’s a really good day.


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