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Advent calendar: Day 20 – Sin

While we hope Christmas will be a happy and easy time, our sin — and that of others — is often evident to see; whether it’s a drunken endeavour at the Christmas party, the overflowing tempers at home, or the desperate scenes as people fight (sometimes literally) for the bargains in the shops.

It might be sad to see, but that’s actually why Jesus came to earth — not to give us a nice excuse for time off work, but that He might live a sinless life, and die in our place to pay for our sin. So while the not-so-happy Christmas scenes may sadden us, we can take comfort knowing that God has already made a way to put this right.

The important decision we must each make, though, is to put our faith and trust in Jesus as our Saviour. For without him, God will see us as the guilty sinners we are.


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