Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Sermons by Simeon Forder (Page 12)

Sim is the pastor at Deal Christian Fellowship, having taken on responsibility for pastoring from January 2023

Esther 4:1-17

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Esther, the 17th book in the Bible. Taught by Simeon Forder at our Sunday evening service on the 6th November 2022. About this book Esther records the incredible deliverance of the Jews during their Babylonian captivity, which is still celebrated today in…

Esther 2:1-3:15

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Esther, the 17th book in the Bible. Taught by Simeon Forder at our Sunday evening service on the 30th October 2022. About this book Esther records the incredible deliverance of the Jews during their Babylonian captivity, which is still celebrated today in…

Esther 1:1-22

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of Esther, the 17th book in the Bible. Taught by Simeon Forder at our Sunday evening service on the 23rd October 2022. About this book Esther records the incredible deliverance of the Jews during their Babylonian captivity, which is still celebrated today in…


This study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 25th September 2022. You can listen on this web page or save the audio for later listening. About this series Our God is not unknowable, or evasive. In fact, He wants us to know Him. He wants…


This study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 4th September 2022. You can listen on this web page or save the audio for later listening. About this series Our God is not unknowable, or evasive. In fact, He wants us to know Him. He wants…

An example in prayer

This study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday morning service on the 21st August 2022. You can listen on this web page or save the audio for later listening. Overview of this study Prayer is both wonderful and critical to the Christian – yet it’s easy to neglect and…

1 John 5:1-21

This verse by verse Bible study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 31st July 2022. Summary of this study In this chapter, John continues to build confidence in what we believe, stating that we can know we have eternal life. Further, through our restored relationship…

1 John 4:1-21

This verse by verse Bible study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 24th July 2022. Summary of this study Having finished chapter 3 talking about brotherly love, John now pauses to note that our desire to love shouldn’t make us gullible. That is, we are…

1 John 3:1-24

This verse by verse Bible study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 17th July 2022. Summary of this study What God has done for us is nothing short of staggering – we are called His children, and are joint heirs with Christ! Indeed We should…

1 John 2:3-29

This verse by verse Bible study was taught by Sim Forder, one of our pastors, at our Sunday evening service on the 10th July 2022. Overview of this study John makes it clear that keeping God’s commandments is a way that we can know we are saved – not because we’re earning our salvation, but…