Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Sermons by Matt Randall

Matt serves as an elder at Deal Christian Fellowship

Advent calendar 2024: Day 24 – Christmas carols

If you’re like me, one of the things I look forward to at Christmas is the traditional Christmas carols – on the radio, in the shops, and in church of course.  Many faithfully capture the events of that first Christmas with beautiful words and imagery.  I’m less moved by those that have no basis in…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 20 – Christmas shopping

Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Don’t panic, neither have I.  Don’t worry, you’ve still got time!  Maybe you’re one of those super organised people, or perhaps you enjoy the thrill of last minute panic buying!  But however late you leave your shopping, I’m sure you don’t want to leave it too late. And…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 16 – Christmas dinner

Imagine someone saying they don’t like Christmas dinner, when the only part of it they’ve ever tried is brussel sprouts, or if they’ve only seen photos of it! Clearly they would have missed out on what a Christmas dinner really is. Well perhaps that’s what you think about Christianity — you have an idea about…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 12 – Christmas wreaths

Have you ever thought about how much time some people spend putting Christmas wreathes, lights or decorations on the outside of our house – for others to see them.  Of course, there’s nothing wrong in that – it really adds to the sense of anticipation in the run up to Christmas, it makes it a…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 8 – Advent calendars

Advent calendars have become somewhat of a tradition in our country. This year, I’ve been treated to a Toblerone calendar – other chocolate is available, probably.  Anyway, the idea, as you know is to countdown to Christmas Day. But what is about that day, that they help us count down to? What is it that…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 4 – Christmas adverts

It always seems that Christmas adverts start so early — with supermarkets advertising their Christmas food in October this year! It builds anticipation and excitement – and sells products of course – but that’s nothing in comparison to that first Christmas.  You see, the arrival of a Messiah was anticipated by Israel for many more…