Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Sermons by Bob Forder (Page 3)

Bob is the founding pastor of Deal Christian Fellowship, and continues to serve both as an elder here at DCF, and as part of the CCA Europe regional oversight team for the UK and Ireland

Advent calendar: Day 23 – Salvation

The Bible tells us that Mary knew she needed a Saviour. And in the weeks after Jesus was born, a man called Simeon declared (as He saw Jesus), that He had seen God’s salvation. Indeed, it seems like almost everyone recorded in the Christmas story knew that Jesus was the Saviour of the world. But King Herod…

Advent calendar: Day 19 – Love

Talking about love is no bad thing, of course. But at Christmas, it seems there is an increase in the number of films or songs that talk about it. You only have to watch a hallmark Christmas movie to get that impression. But the good news of that firstChristmas was the love that God showed in…

Advent calendar: Day 15 – God with us

A popular Christmas reading from Matthew’s gospel says “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”. But what did it really mean for God to be with us? Well, Jesus didn’t merely come to show us the way, but to be THE way.…

Advent calendar: Day 11 – Hope

Sometimes the things we hope for seem to take forever to come around; whether it’s the start of the school holidays, putting our out of office message on, or the lighter evenings coming round again. And what a feeling when we get there! But there was a hope that God had promised soon after the…

Advent calendar: Day 7 – Peace

When we look at the world around us, there doesn’t seem to be much peace. Whether it’s in the dozens of wars going on around the world, or the fights on the streets of our own towns and cities, or even the arguments in our schools and workplaces, peace is hard to find. So what…

Advent calendar: Day 3 – Goodwill

Christmas is often called the season of goodwill — and perhaps we see a hint of that in gifts, day to day generosity, or more support for charitable causes at this time of year. And those are good things. But where does this idea of goodwill come from? Well, at that first Christmas, angels delivered…