Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Advent calendar 2024

Advent calendar 2024: Day 24 – Christmas carols

If you’re like me, one of the things I look forward to at Christmas is the traditional Christmas carols – on the radio, in the shops, and in church of course.  Many faithfully capture the events of that first Christmas with beautiful words and imagery.  I’m less moved by those that have no basis in…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 23 – The angel Gabriel

We read in the Bible in Luke chapter two, verse 13 that it says, Behold, an angel of the Lord (Gabriel) appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 22 – Extraordinary

In our house the Christmas films seem to start at the end of September No doubt we’ve all seen a Christmas movie or two, and it’s always the same story – two people start out unhappy and end up very much in love and happily ever after. Usually some sort of Christmas miracle happens and…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 21 – Extraordinary

Babies are born all the time, and while it is an utterly amazing event, it’s an ordinary one too. But Jesus birth wasn’t ordinary at all. First, He was born through a virgin. That’s big news. But more than that, He was no ordinary baby. The shepherds, recognising this, immediately left their sheep to go…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 20 – Christmas shopping

Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Don’t panic, neither have I.  Don’t worry, you’ve still got time!  Maybe you’re one of those super organised people, or perhaps you enjoy the thrill of last minute panic buying!  But however late you leave your shopping, I’m sure you don’t want to leave it too late. And…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 19 – The priests and scribes

When the wise men came to Jerusalem, up to 2 years after Jesus’ birth, they went to King Herod to find out where Jesus was. And Herod, worried that his authority as ruler of Israel would be threatened, called the Jewish priests and scribes to find out where the Scriptures said Jesus would be born.…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 18 – Dark nights

This time of year can seem gloomy cold and uninviting. Between the poor weather and the evenings drawing in, it feels pretty dark this time of year, and I’m not sure if it’s because I am an electrician but out of all the decorations I love the lights, where as it can feel as soon…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 17 – Inn

The Bible tells us, that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem because there was a census taking place, and while they were there, she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them at the inn. And that creates a…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 16 – Christmas dinner

Imagine someone saying they don’t like Christmas dinner, when the only part of it they’ve ever tried is brussel sprouts, or if they’ve only seen photos of it! Clearly they would have missed out on what a Christmas dinner really is. Well perhaps that’s what you think about Christianity — you have an idea about…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 15 – Anna

After meeting Simeon in the Temple at Jerusalem Another person Joseph, Mary and Jesus met was a prophetess by the name of Anna who served God there with fastings and prayers night and day, and recognising who Jesus was, she instantly gave thanks to God for sending a Saviour, and spoke of Him to all…