Around five times a year we gather for an hour of sung praise and worship to our God, and afterward spend time fellowshipping with each other - with tea, coffee, cakes, and hot and cold snacks.
Several times each year we meet together for an hour of Sheer Praise – simply an hour or so of sung praise and worship to God, to thank Him for all He has done for us and in us. There is not a dedicated time of teaching, though there is always something to learn from the words of the songs that we sing.
The time of praise is led by the DCF music team and we sing both modern praise songs (from worship leaders such as Chris Tomlin, Paul Baloche, Scott Cunningham, Kari Jobe etc) and also older hymns (such as well known hymns like Amazing grace, How great Thou art, What a friend we have in Jesus etc). The style of music is best described as contemporary, but not raucous – with acoustic and electric guitars, drums, bass and occasionally keyboard and cornet, as well as vocals.
DECAF coffee bar
After our time of praise finishes (usually around 7:45pm) the DeCaF coffee bar in the hall opens until 10pm where tea, coffee, latte and hot chocolate are available along with our legendary Manna Burgers, nachos, cakes and scones etc. The usual tuck shop favourites are available too with a good selection of cans, chocolate, crisps, sweets and so on. This time spent with each other is a really valuable time of fellowship where we get to encourage each other, and be encouraged – something that the Bible says we should do more and more.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16
One Comment
Looking forward to this!