Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Advent calendar: Day 19 – Love

Talking about love is no bad thing, of course. But at Christmas, it seems there is an increase in the number of films or songs that talk about it. You only have to watch a hallmark Christmas movie to get that impression. But the good news of that firstChristmas was the love that God showed in sending His only Son into the world, not merely so that He could be born as a baby, but so that as a man He would die on the cross for you and I, to pay for all the wrong we have ever done. Jesus Himself said “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”.

But that leaves us with a choice — do we treat His great sacrifice as a trivial thing, and ignore it. Or do we respond to His love, putting our faith and trust in Him as our Saviour?


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