In our house the Christmas films seem to start at the end of September No doubt we’ve all seen a Christmas movie or two, and it’s always the same story – two people start out unhappy and end up very much in love and happily ever after.
Usually some sort of Christmas miracle happens and usually very predictability by the end of the film after some sadness or giant problem has been sorted and all is well in the world again and can leave a happy warm feeling of hope they change the title, and sometimes the actors. But that’s about it. Sadly it doesn’t feel very realistic, though, we struggle through life, one minute on the mountain and then in the valleys. But there is a story that starts with sadness, that really does end up happily ever after. Adam and Eve sinned and all seemed lost a broken relationship with God but God made a promise that a baby would be born a promised redeemer that would reunite us back with God and that we could be forgiven of all our sin. And if we come to Him, turning from our sin, and putting our faith in Him to save us, He’ll do just that. And that is really a Christmas Miracle That can give us Joy and happiness.