Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Advent calendar 2024: Day 19 – The priests and scribes

When the wise men came to Jerusalem, up to 2 years after Jesus’ birth, they went to King Herod to find out where Jesus was. And Herod, worried that his authority as ruler of Israel would be threatened, called the Jewish priests and scribes to find out where the Scriptures said Jesus would be born.

Instantly they were able to tell him that it would be in Bethlehem, which was around 5 miles away. Yet despite being able to quote the Bible, they couldn’t even be bothered to go and find out if it was true. It seems crazy doesn’t it, but what about you? Will you go and find out if what the Bible says is true? Because your life depends on it.

And I wonder, are we excited to hear about Jesus? Have we really understood how wonderful the news of Jesus birth was, and is?


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