Simply teaching the Bible, simply

Advent calendar 2024: Day 18 – Dark nights

This time of year can seem gloomy cold and uninviting. Between the poor weather and the evenings drawing in, it feels pretty dark this time of year, and I’m not sure if it’s because I am an electrician but out of all the decorations I love the lights, where as it can feel as soon as it gets dark I should be heading to bed, but the lights give a nice glow flash and sparkle and bring light and joy to a dark evening. With bad news all around us, it’s against the backdrop of this dark world that Jesus, is the light of the world, stands out. As one Who offers hope, peace, forgiveness, and everlasting life. It says in the book of Matthew when Jesus was up a mountain there he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. If you want to know more about Him, come along to any of our services


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