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Advent calendar 2024 (Page 3)

Advent calendar 2024: Day 4 – Christmas adverts

It always seems that Christmas adverts start so early — with supermarkets advertising their Christmas food in October this year! It builds anticipation and excitement – and sells products of course – but that’s nothing in comparison to that first Christmas.  You see, the arrival of a Messiah was anticipated by Israel for many more…

Advent calendar: Day 3 – John the Baptist

Following the good news that Mary heard from the angel Gabriel, that she would give birth to Jesus, she went to visit a relative of hers called Elizabeth, who was 6-months pregnant with a baby boy who would come to be known as John the Baptist. We have a lot of information about john the…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 2 – Christmas trees

For many of us, we enjoy putting up a Christmas tree in our living room, some a bit sooner than others And unlike anything else, we adapt our lives for it. We move furniture, we don’t mind we can’t see the whole TV, we don’t mind the mess, or the space it takes. We even…

Advent calendar 2024: Day 1 – Kings

How well do you know the Christmas story? Have you heard that there were three kings that visited Jesus in Bethlehem? Sounds familiar, doesn’t it. But that’s not what the Bible says. The Bible says there were wise men, called Magi, who visited Jesus as much as 2 years after He was born, and they…